Fusion360 is a widely used 3D CAD/CAM program from Autodesk. It is free for personal use. And there are plenty of them online instructional videos can be found about its operation.
For the CAM part in Fusion360 you need our post processor needed.
What is a Post Processor?
A post processor is a kind of translation file for the CAM software. This indicates which codes are applicable for which commands. So that the CAM software can convert its language to the language of the machine in question.
An example: The mach3 controller on our machines uses code M3 to turn on the torch. In the Post Processor it is then described that M3 is that particular code. The CAM software know than that he must place code M3 at the moment the torch must be switched on. If this is M6 on another machine, it will be listed in the Post Processor as M6. So the post processor is specific to our machines.
Download the file from our site and place it in the NC program as follows:
Go to the NC Program in Fusion360.
In the screen that opens you can select the post processor you downloaded.