Beveled edges on the workpiece
The correct cutting height is of great importance during plasma cutting. Therefore, work as much as possible with the Torch Height Controller. When set correctly, it will keep the torch at the correct cutting height at all times. You can read how the THC controller works on the page ''Torch Height Controller (THC)''
It is also important that the correct cutting direction is used. The right side of the arc is the straightest. So make sure that it is on the side of the workpiece. So cut the inner contours counterclockwise and the outer contours clockwise. This can be set in the CAM software. Fusion360 generally takes care of this automatically. In SheetCam you can adjust this while creating the operation.
If possible, draw a radius at each corner instead of a sharp edge. It is better for the arc to move around the corner in a constant motion. If it has to go around the corner sharply in one go, the arc may not follow. There is a chance that the cut will run out after this corner. If a sharp corner is absolutely necessary, you can set a loop. The torch makes a loop in this case so that it maintains a smooth movement.