Mach3 Pritec controller
The Mach3 controller is actually nothing more than a g-code reader that can ultimately convert the g-code commands into movements of the X, Y and Z axes.
Read here more about the method and g-code.
The mach3 controller software is here available for download from us.
Step 1. Open G-code
After you have created a g-code with the CAD/CAM software, open (icon folder) it in the Mach3 controller. The 2D drawing will then appear in the right window and the g-code on the left.
Step 2. Release and determine starting position
When you now click on the RESET button the system is released. Then you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to go to the desired starting position (zero point). The starting position from which the burner will start is always the zero point in the CAM drawing. So you determine your zero point in advance in the CAM program.
Step 3. Enable and start zero point
After you have reached the desired starting position with the arrow keys, click on ZERO ALL under the blue X, Y, Z and A-axis buttons. The coordinates now switch to zero. Then click on REGEN (regenerate) under the 2D drawing. The system will check everything and now knows where its position is. When you then click on the PLAY button, the program will play. It is advisable to simulate this first by leaving the plasma cutter switched off.
Look at here instructional videos about this process.