No nice holes

Because a lot of heat is brought into a small area when cutting holes, a hole may not turn out nice when you cut it with the standard settings. Also, the arc must change direction quickly when cutting holes, which is not conducive to the cutting quality.

It is recommended to take the following points into account when cutting a hole. And if necessary adjust the settings accordingly.

  1. When possible start cutting small holes from the center of the hole. You can set this in the ''Cam software'' with the lead-in and lead-out.

  2. A rule of thumb is to cut holes at 60% of the normal cutting speed. Keep in mind that the THC controller reacts differently to this. For this, read the page ''Torch Height Controller'' or you can remove the THC plug from the control box while cutting the holes. This will switch off the THC controller. And the z-axis will not move during cutting.