Download Fusion 360 from the website
Go to the official website from Fusion 360.
Click the download button and follow the instructions to download the installation file.
Once the download is complete, double-click the installer file to start the installation process.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install Fusion 360 on your computer.
Open Fusion 360 and create a new design
Click “Create” in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Select the type of design you want to create, for example "New Component" or "Create Sketch".
Select the correct surface (''Plane''). Take into account the X,Y,Z axes. Select the X,Y platform for this. The surface of the machine is namely the X and Y axis. The Z axis is the height control.
Use the available sketching tools, such as lines, arcs, and circles, to create your design. Make sure you work accurately and set all dimensions and proportions correctly.
When the sketch is ready click on ''Finish Sketch''
Click on ''Extrude'' to create a 3D drawing from the 2D Sketch.

Enter the plate thickness measurement. In most cases it is best to select ''New Component'' (more information on the differences between Components and Bodies can be found on the Fusion360 site)

Manufacture workplace
Go to the ''Manufacture'' workspace. There, open the ''Tool Library" and import the Machine Torch Library. You can download from our site. Also download the ''Post Processor'' for Fusion360

Right click on "Local" and then click on ''Import libraries''
Open the downloaded files here.

Create setup
Click on "Cutting" and go through the setup settings.
Select a Tool. This depends on which cutting tip you are going to use (45A,65A,85A) and what material you want to cut. An overview of the composition can be found in the machine torch manual find.
In the next tab you can select the contours.
In the third tab you can set the cutting height. In most cases this is 2mm. In the other tabs you can still adjust settings to your liking. Click on ok and the "Toolpath'' is ready.
In the simulator option you can check the operation.
Now go to the “Post Process” to generate the g-code.
Select the previously downloaded post processor. In the right section you can adjust the ''Pierce Delay'' (number of seconds to pierce through the plate) and the ''Pierce Height'' (pierce height = number of millimeters minus the cutting height). The ''Probe offset'' determines the play in the switch of the Z-axis. You can adjust this as desired if the cutting height does not match the set value.
Give the file the desired name and click ''Post''. The g-code is now ready and can be opened in the Mach3 controller.